npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. npm, Inc. is a subsidiary of GitHub, which provides hosting for software development and version control with the usage of Git. npm is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js npm is the world's largest Software Library (Registry).
npm is also a software Package Manager and Installer, The registry contains over 800,000 code packages. Open-source developers use npm to share software.
How to use npm?
npm is free to use you can download all npm public software packages without any registration or login.
npm includes a CLI (Command Line Client) for Window or (Terminal) for Linux and Marc, which can be downloaded and installed.
npm is installed with Node.js this means that you have to install Node.js to get npm installed on your computer. Download Node.js from the official Node.js website:
The name npm (Node Package Manager) stems from when npm first was created as a package manager for Node.js, All npm packages are defined in files called package.json and the content of package.json must be written in JSON which at least two fields must be present in the definition file: name and version.
"name" : "foo",
"version" : "1.2.3",
"description" : "A package for fooing things",
"main" : "foo.js",
"keywords" : ["foo", "fool", "foolish"],
"author" : "John Doe",
"licence" : "ISC"
What is the importance of this npm
- NPM helps you install the various modules you need for your web development and not just given you a whole bunch of features you might ever need.
- It helps with installing various packages and resolving their various dependencies.
- It greatly helps with your Node development.
- It saves time and makes thing easy for developers.